Saturday, 29 May 2021

How to Make Kaleidoscope Template in Inkscape

 You will learn how to create Kaleidoscope template using Inkscape.

Please Subcribe this channel if you want see more tutorial. Having fun with Inkscape and draw freely! __________________ Video ini akan mengajarkan kepada kalian bagaimana cara membuat template kaleidoskop. Setelah mengikuti langkah demi langkah saya yakin kalian bisa membuat template kaleidoskop sendiri. Jika suka dan ingin lebih banyak tutorial tentang Inkscape, silahkan subcribe channel ini. Terima kasih dan selamat berkreasi dengan Inkscape!

Wednesday, 19 May 2021

Inkscape Tutorial: Assorted Circle Shapes

 Hi, there!

This video I will show you how to create assorted circle shapes in Inkscape.

Please Subcribe this channel if you want see more tutorial. Having fun with Inkscape and draw freely! #yjarz #inkscape #tutorial #assorted

Monday, 10 May 2021

Inkscape Tutorial: Ornament Frame

Dear Inkscapers!

In this Inkscape tutorial, you will learn how to make ornament frame for your next project.

If you like this tutorial, subcribe my channel to get updates tutorial.